
Unix keyboard shortcuts


  • Esc :=      à  After opening the file, Press Esc button and colon (:) and equal symbol (=) will give you the total number of lines in the file.

  • Esc :q!     à After opening the file, if you press Esc colon and letter q and exclamatory symbol (!), will quit the file without saving.

  • Esc :w      à To save the file.

  • Esc :wq!   à  To save an quit the file. 
  • Shift+g     -à To go to the last line of the file.
  • Shift+a     -à To go to the end of the line.
  • :0              -à To go back to the first line of the file.
  • Esc i                 à To edit the file.
  • Esc dd             à To delete the whole line from the file.
  • Esc r                à To replace the particular character in the file.
  • Shift+w          à To go to the next word in the file.
  • Shift +d         à To remove the remaining characters of the line from the file.
  • Ctrl+g            à  To know which line number we are in from the file.


  • Esc :set nu   à To add the line number in the file. 
  • Esc :set nonu  à To remove the line number added using above command.
  • Esc u            à To undo the changes made in the file.
  • Shift+d         à To empty the line from the file.
  • j                     à To go to next line in the file.
  • k                    à To go to previous line in the file.
  • Ctrl+f           à To go forward. To go to next page in the file.
  • Ctrl+b           à To go backward. To go to previous page in the file.
  • /search keyword   à To search the keyword after opening the file. After searching a keyword, if you press “n” it will search forward inside the file. If you press “shift+n”, it will search backward inside the file.


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