DATE command in UNIX is used to know current time in the server.
There are diverse options in date command to know month, day, year, hour, minute, second etc.
- To know the current month alone, use the command – date +%m
- To know the current day of month, use the command – date +%d
- To know the year alone, use the command – date +%y
- To know the hour alone, use the command – date +%H
- To know the minute alone, use the command – date +%M
- To know the second alone, sue the command – date +%S
Below are the list of advanced UNIX commands used in UNIX operation system.
1 .GREP Command in Unix
2.Whoami Command in Unix
3.Passwd Command in Unix
4.Kill Command in Unix
5.Ps -Ef Command in Unix
6.Df -k Command in Unix
7.Bdf Command in Unix
8.ftp Command in Unix
9.Find Command in Unix
10.Date Command in Unix
11.Uptime Command in Unix
12.Clear Command in Unix
13.Shift Command in Unix
14.Sort Command in Unix
15.Crontab Command in Unix
16.Unix Command Line ArgumentsPREV NEXT