
SQL – ORDER BY clause

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  • ORDER BY clause in SQL is used to sort the data selected from a table. ORDER BY clause sorts the data either in ascending order or descending order using one or more columns.
  • By default, the result set of the query is sorted by ascending order.
  • Syntax for SQL ORDER BY statement is given below.

Syntax for SQL ORDER BY clause:

Syntax to sort in ascending order SELECT column_name1,

column_name2, etc

FROM table_name

ORDER BY column_name1,

column_name2, etc ASC;

Syntax to sort in descending order SELECT column_name1,

column_name2, etc

FROM table_name

ORDER BY column_name1,

column_name2, etc DESC;


  • To sort in ascending order, we no need to use keyword “ASC” at the end of the query as all SQL query results are sorted by ascending order by default.
  • The columns name those we sort using ORDER BY, should be available in columns list we select.

Example for how to use SQL ORDER BY clause:

Please consider the following table with few records as given below.

Table name (for example): student
Column names in this table: Student_ID, Student_name, City and Age
Available records: 4 rows


  • To sort the data in ascending order, please execute below query. This query will fetch all records available in this table and then will sort by ascending order.

SQL query:

SELECT * from student
ORDER BY Student_name ASC;

SQL query Output:


  • To sort the data in descending order, please execute below query. This query will fetch all records available in this table and then will sort by descending order.

SQL query:

SELECT * from student
ORDER BY Student_name DESC;

SQL query Output:


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