
Python Data Types


  • Before going to discuss data types in python programming language, we need to know about few points. In python programming language, we are not going to use any built-in data types to declare a variable like in C, C++. In python, mostly we use built-in data types for type casting the variables.
  • All data values are treated as object for related classes in python programming Language and every object as an identity, value and type.
  • To determine a variable’s type in Python, you can use the type () function.
  • The value of some objects can be changed. Objects whose value can be changed are called mutable.
  • objects whose value is unchangeable are called immutable. Below is the details of Python data types

Data Types in Python:

  1. Numbers
  2. Strings
  3. List
  4. Tuple
  5. Dictionary
  6. Set

1. Numbers:

In python, majorly we can divide numbers into three types. They are,

Integers, floating point numbers and complex numbers,

  • Integer numbers represents whole numbers either negative or positive numbers
  • Floating point numbers represents fractional part either negative or positive numbers
  • To check the type of data types, enter into interpreter mode and then enter below commands one by one

2. Strings:

  • Strings are nothing but collection characters in sequence
  • Strings are immutable
  • We can write strings in python in following three ways.

Single quotes:

 If character holds in a single quotes, then we can call it as string.

Double quotes:

If character holds in a double quotes, then we can call it as string.

Triple quotes:

If character holds in triple quotes, then we can call it as string. But, this type of strings we can use for doc and for multi line comments.


Combination of double and single quotes will be accepted, but it should not start with double quote and end with single quote vice versa.

  • Normal Strings

  • Combination Strings

Special character in strings:

Escape Sequence


\’ Single Quote
\” Double Quote
\\ Back Slash
\t Horizontal Tab
\n New line


For complete and advanced string concepts, we will discuss in upcoming tutorial.

3. Lists:

  • List is a container which holds comma-separated values i.e elements or items with in holds the square brackets []
  • Elements might be same types or combination of different types
  • We can access the elements by using the index number

We can create the empty list by using without elements

4. Tuple:

  • Tuple is a container which holds comma-separated values i.e elements or items with in holds the parenthesis (), they are immutable i.e we cannot change the content once we created
  • Elements might be same types or combination of different types
  • We can access the elements by using the index number

We can create the empty tuple by using without elements

5. Dictionary:

  • Dictionary is a container which holds comma-separated values with pair i.e elements or items with in holds the curly braces {} key: value pairs where keys and values, keys are immutable
  • To Access the objects in dictionary we can use keys, keys might be string, number and tuple
  • Elements might be same types or combination of different types
  • We can access the elements by using the keys
  • We can create an empty dictionary by using empty curly braces


 6. Sets:

  • A set is an unordered collection of unique elements. Basic uses of sets is to deal with set theory.
  • It supports mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference or eliminating duplicate entries.


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