
Java – String


  •  String represents a group of character.
  • In java, string is an object of String class in java.lang package but in C language, it is an array of characters in which the last character is ‘\0’.
  • Java has character array too but String is a class. String is also a data type since a class is also called user defined data type.

Syntax :

String welcome = “hello”;

where, ‘welcome’ is a variable to store the data which is of type ‘String’. Thus a group of characters is assigned to the variable ‘welcome’ . As already mentioned, String is a class, therefore an object of type String is created and referenced by a variable ‘welcome’.

We have another way of creating String by using new operator as

String welcome = new String(“hello”);

The string ‘hello’ is assigned to the String variable ‘welcome’.

This would produce following result:



 Note: String class is made ‘final’ class. Strings are constant which means, their values cannot be changed once they are created.

String Class Methods:

int length(): To find the length of a string.
s.length(); gives the length of string s.


C:\> javac StringLengthExample.java
C:\> java StringLengthExample
Enter a string to find its length:
length of string is : 5

String concat(String s): To concatenate or join two strings.
String s3 = s1.concat(s2);  String s1 and s2 are concatenated or joined and the resulting String is stored in String object s3.


C:\> javac StringConcatExample.java
C:\> java StringConcatExample
Enter Your First String:
Enter Your Second String:
Concatenated string is: HelloWorld

Pls refer the below link to explore more String methods.

 Strings are immutable:

Strings are immutabe which means, their value cannot be changed once they are created. But if we try to modify the contents of a String object, then the JVM will modify the content and store it in a new object instead of the original object. The original object will remain unmodified.



When you see the output of the program, it looks like the String s is modified. But what happened is that the original object remains unchanged and a new object is created with the modified data during its construction and the variable s refers to the newly created object.
But there are some conditions where we will need mutable Strings and is achieved by StringBuffer which we will discuss in the next chapter.


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