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  • After consuming medicines for some time, the sugar patients will be told, “There is a stone in your gall bladder. The gall bladder has to be removed.” So you will undergo a surgery and your gall bladder will be removed.
  • What is the function of t h e g a l l bladder? 80% of the fat from the blood is converted by the liver into the gall liquid called Bile and it is stored in the gall bladder. Gall bladder secretes this liquid for the purpose of digesting the food we eat.
  • When even those people who have a gall bladder do not get their food digested properly due to various other reasons, how can digestion happen properly for a person who has no gall bladder at all? So, the liver will have to do the job of the gall bladder also. As a result, the liver will be overloaded with work.

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