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  • Generally all the doctors say that a person should compulsorily sleep for at least eight hours in a day. But, there is no need to measure the duration of our sleep.
  • We normally do three types of work. The first is the work related to the body. The second is the work related to the mind. The third is the work related to the brain. Let us see which of these works are related to the sleep.
  • Some people give more work only for their body. They may not give much work to their mind and brain. These people belong to the first category. Those who do physical labour are examples of this category. It does not mean that these people do not use their brains at all. They do not give as much work to their mind and brain as they give to their body.
  • Observe closely the manual workers, those doing peon work in the offices, etc. If they are asked to come they will come and if they are asked to go they will go. They will just do whatever job their boss gives them. They will not analyze the job given to them too much.
  • The people who belong to the second category give more work to their brain. They do more of brain-related jobs. They give less work to their body and mind. Owners of companies and researchers belong to this category. These people sit in chairs and keep on thinking all the time about how they can run their organization in a better way, how to earn more money, how to do more business, etc.
  • These people do not give much work to their body. Moreover, many business people do not give much work to their mind and may not act as per their conscience. Business may not run when conscience is used. Thus, owners give more work to their brain and less work to their mind and body.
  • Similarly, researchers and scientists will keep on giving work to their brain all the time. These people do not give much work to their body and mind. These people also belong to the second category.
  • Some people give more work only to their mind. These people use less of their brain. Their body also will have less work. All those people who keep on thinking about problems all the time and live under the emotions of worry, tension, anger, fear, etc. will have more work only for their mind. These people will have less work for their body and brains. These people belong to the third category.
  • Now, let us consider all the three categories of people. Sleep will be needed only if the body is given work. Only those who give work to their body will need sleep. O n ly t h o s e p e o p l e w i l l g e t s l e e p immediately when they lie down on the bed.
  • Sleep will not be needed if only the mind and brain are given work. Those who give less work to their body will not get sleep immediately when they lie down on the bed.
  • Let us assume that the owner who gives work to his brain and the laborer who gives more work to his body go to bed at 10.00 PM in the night. The laborer who gives more work to the body will get sleep immediately after he lies down in the bed and he will start sleeping. The owner who gives more work to the brain will keep on turning in his bed from 10.00 PM to 1.00 AM and he will not get sleep.
  • The owner will worry and he will think, “The laborer who is working under me is able to sleep peacefully. I have millions of rupees in the bank. But I am not able to sleep.”
  • Why does this happen? The worker who gave more work to the body does not need rest but he needs sleep. So, he sleeps immediately after going to the bed. The owner who gave more work to his mind and brain needs rest for his mind and brain. So, his mind and brain take rest from 10.00 PM to 1.00 AM. This is why he keeps rolling in his bed.
  • From the time we get up in the morning, we keep on using our brain and mind. But we do not give them proper rest during the day. Only after we go to the bed in the night, our brain and mind take rest and cool themselves down. Till a person’s brain and mind set themselves right, a person will not get sleep.
  • Let us see one example to illustrate this. In a big garment showroom, the business will start by morning 9.00 AM. When the shop is opened, all the clothes will be in a neatly arranged order. Those who come to buy clothes will mix up all the clothes and pick up the ones they want to buy. The clothes will keep on getting mixed up during the entire period of business from 9.00 AM to 9.00 PM. But there will be no time to keep them in order.
  • When the shop door is closed at 9.00 PM, the shop workers cannot go home immediately. They will have to remain for at least one hour to two hours, arrange all the clothes back in the proper order and then only they can go home. Then only the shop will be ready with all the clothes arranged in order by the next day morning to start the business again. If we understand this example, we can easily understand the sleep.
  • When we get up in the morning, we start using our mind and brain and keep misaligning them throughout the day. But we do not put them in order again. When we go to bed by 10.00 PM, our mind and brain start aligning themselves back to order. It takes a few hours for the mind and brain to calm down in this way. During this period, we keep on fearing and lamenting that we are not getting sleep. During this time, we will keep on rolling in our bed but we will not get sleep.
  • To understand this, please do one thing. Whoever has the experience over the last several years of not getting sleep every day after going to bed and keep rolling in the bed for hours can try this. Please walk for 10 to 20 kilometres and then go to bed. You will start sleeping immediately when you go to bed. Just think how quickly you go to sleep today when for the last several years you did not get sleep immediately after going to bed.
  • Therefore, sleep is needed only when you give work to your body. Only then you will get sleep. Sleep is not required when you give work to your mind and brain. So, if you do not get sleep immediately after going to the bed, please do not get agitated and perturbed about it. We will get sleep only when sleep is needed for us. Why should we expect to sleep when it is not needed? Why should we be worried about it?
  • We should go to the bed whenever we need rest. Our job is to just close our eyes and lie down in the bed in a relaxed way. At that time, our mind and brain will start aligning themselves. Once this job is over, the next moment we will get the sleep needed by our body. Once the body gets the sleep it needed, we will wake up.
  • Thus, we should sleep on our own when we lie down. We should wake up on our own from our bed. If we sleep and wake up in this way, it will be a proper, healthy, peaceful and satisfactory sleep.
  • But many of us are worried if we do not get sleep when we go to the bed. We think, “The BP may be high. The sugar may be low. Or we may have some other disease.” We thus unnecessarily imagine many things, needlessly fear and further entangle our mind and brain. If we lie down worrying about not getting sleep, this is a very big disease by itself.
  • Thus, if we have fear, get mentally affected and lie in the bed, our sleep is further delayed. This is because we confuse our mind and brain more and more. So, more time is needed to sort out these worries and concerns also.
  • Please think for a moment. We might have spoken many wrong things at many places from morning to evening. We might have forgotten about some of these things. We might have taken wrong decisions in some matters. Once we go to bed, all these things will be recollected by our memory.
  • For example, only after going to bed we will remember, “I spoke harsh words to that person today. I have made a mistake.” If we have forgotten some work which we were supposed to do that day, then that will also come to our memory after we go to bed. We will not get sleep unless and until we set right all these matters. We will go to sleep the moment we sort out all such matters.
  • All those who do not get sleep immediately after going to bed need not have any worry at all. Those who sleep after lying down in the bed can feel happy that they have given more work to the body. Those who do not sleep immediately after going to bed should understand, “We have not given more work to the body. We have given more work to our mind and brain. So, our mind and brain are setting themselves right. That is why we are not getting sleep.” If we think in this way and remain calm, our mind and brain will quickly set themselves in order and we will get sleep quickly.
  • Please understand the difference between sleep and rest. We already know about sleep. Rest indicates the state where mind and body are setting themselves right without our body in sleep. We can get this rest in the following ways.
  • We can lie down in the bed and keep our eyes closed. There is no need of going to sleep. Even if we keep rolling and turning in the bed, we will get the rest we need.
  • Alternatively, we can sit in a chair calmly with our eyes closed. We can also take rest by sitting in a chair and resting our head in a place such as the table in front of us. Or we can take rest by stretching our legs and sitting near a wall with our back on a pillow or a bed sheet kept on the wall and keeping our neck in a resting position.
  • What we call here as rest is the same thing that is also referred to as Dhyana or meditation. When we use the word Dhyana, many people wrongly think that it is something that is being practised by spiritual people, old people and people who do not have anything else to do. Dhyana is another name for rest.
  • When we do Dhyana, our mind and brain take rest. That is why those who perform meditation get sleep immediately when they go to bed. If someone says, “I do meditation but I do not get sleep immediately after going to the bed”, it means that he is not doing the meditation properly.
  • But, some people get worried if they do not get sleep after going to bed. They think that they have got some disease and they go and consult some doctor. The doctors who do not understand the difference between sleep and rest prescribe some sleeping tablets to them. For all the people who sleep after consuming some sleeping tablets, their mind and brain never do the work of sorting themselves out. A person will not get rest by consuming sleeping tablet. But he will get sleep.
  • Thus, all those people who sleep by consuming a sleeping tablet when they are supposed to take rest will have their mind and brain in a disarrayed condition. If you keep consuming sleeping tablet for several months, it means that you have not sorted out your mind and brain for several months.
  • Thus, we can understand that, all those who sleep with the help of sleeping tablets are mental patients. They will not have any courage. They cannot take any clear decision. They will always have some confusion in their mind.
  • So, please do not use any sleeping tablets. When the body is taking rest and is not in need of sleep, why should we unnecessarily think that sleep is needed? Please understand one thing clearly. What our body needs, it will ask us for that and take it. When our body itself thinks that sleep is not needed if we forcibly give sleep to it that sleep will turn into poison.
  • If you are worried that you are not getting sleep, I will give you some guidelines. Please think whether you can follow them. You can sleep well if you consume alcoholic drinks every night. Can you do it? If you use narcotic drugs such as opium you can sleep well. Can you use them?
  • If I give you such an advice, what will you do? You will abuse me. You will hand me over to the police. But, if you go to any doctor for sleeplessness, all the medicines and tablets that they prescribe for sleep contain only alcohol and narcotic drugs such as cannabis (marijuana), opium, etc. Sleeping tablets cannot be made without using narcotic drugs.
  • All those people who consume sleeping tablets should understand that in fact they are consuming narcotic drugs. We need to understand that sleeping tablets are bigger narcotic drugs than cigar, cigarette, brandy, marijuana, opium, etc. As time passes, the dosage of your sleeping tablet will keep on increasing.
  • This is like the drinkers who start drinking a quarter and then slowly increase it to half and full. Similarly, you are slowly becoming addicted to the drug. As time passes, you are not satisfied with the small quantity of drug and you go in search of bigger dosages. Therefore, please do not consume sleeping tablets. Sleeping tablets never do any good to a person’s body. It will only increase our disease and not reduce it.
  • If you do not get sleep one day, there is no need to sleep on that day. If you do not get sleep for one or two days, do not worry about it. You will sleep sufficiently on the third day to cover for the three days. Your body has intelligence. It will definitely ask for whatever it needs and get it from us.
  • If those who consume sleeping tablets follow all the guidelines in our treatment, they can reduce the dosage of their sleeping tablet month after month and within four months they can totally stop taking the sleeping tablets altogether and live peacefully throughout their life. Let us all live a healthy life!

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