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  • The food that we eat is digested in the mouth, then in the stomach and then it goes into the small intestine. Just like the stomach, small intestine is also a digestive organ. The nutrients that are digested in the small intestine are absorbed by the organ called the food absorbers and sent to the liver.
  • The food that we eat consists of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc. The names that we give to the food dishes that we eat will be valid only up to the point when the food items enter our mouth. A f t e r p a s s i n g through the mouth, all the food items are converted into nutrients in our small intestine.
  • When the train called blood comes to the station called liver, the nutrients obtained from the food mix with the blood and then they go to the cells of the different parts of the body through the blood. After the cells take the nutrients and use them, the nutrients get converted into waste matter and come back to the blood again. The liver sends out the waste matter from the blood through the excretory system of the body.
  • Therefore, the liver is the mother that feeds all the cells in the body. A mother gives food to her child. She also removes the excreta of the child. The liver’s job is similar to that of a mother. Depending on the number of cells asking for food, the liver has to do that much work. When the liver gets a disease, it is not a disease concerned with the liver at all. All the diseases occurring in thousands of cells in the body with regard to their food will be reflected in the liver.
  • Therefore, by wrongly diagnosing that the liver has a disease and operating and treating the liver is not a proper medical treatment at all. So, all those people suffering from a disease related to the liver have to understand the fact that the disease in the liver can be cured only by giving proper food to all the cells from our head to toe and curing their diseases.

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