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  • The liver can be cured only by clearing the food-related deficiencies for all the cells in the body. The kidney can be cured only by clearing the water-related deficiencies for all the cells in the body. The lungs can be cured only by clearing the air-related deficiencies in all the cells in the body. Blood pressure can be set right only by curing the diseases occurring in all the cells in the body.
  • What we can understand from this is that, there is no separate treatment for each body part. If there is a problem in the heart, we cannot scan the heart alone and give it a separate treatment. This is because, the liver gives food to the heart. If there is a problem with the liver, the heart will not function properly. The kidney gives water needed by the heart. If there is a disease in the kidney, then the heart will also be affected. The lungs give the air needed by the heart. If there is a disease in the lungs, the heart will malfunction.
  • Thus, all the parts in our body are dependent on each other and are living together. So, if there is a problem in any part, by scanning that part alone, by performing surgery on it and by consuming medicines and tablets for that part alone, the disease in that part cannot be cured. All the body parts, big or small can be set right only by curing the diseases in all the cells in the body. Please understand this simple fact and please do not search for treatment for each individual part of the body from now on.

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