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  • It is said that food is medicine. But, food alone cannot be medicine. We eat food for about three times in a day. But we breathe air for all the 24 hours in a day. We breathe about 11,600 litres of air in a day at the rate of 8 litres per minute. We worry so much about the food we eat but we never bother about the air we breathe. We have seen how we can digest the food in a proper way. Now, we will see how we can digest the air in a proper way and mix it in the blood.
  • Most of us close all the doors and windows in our bedroom and make it air tight when we sleep. This is mainly for three reasons: (1)We do not want mosquitoes to enter our bedroom and bite us. (2)We do not want thieves to gain access. (3)We do not want any outsiders to peep into our bedroom and invade our privacy.
  • All the people who block the passage of air in and out of their bedroom will get many diseases. We will now see why it is so.
  • A person inhales 8 litres of air in a minute and gives it to his lungs. The lung takes oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, pranic energy and many other such ingredients from the air and mixes them in the blood. These good ingredients are given to the cells in all the parts of the body through the blood. Each cell takes the energy from these ingredients, converts them into bad ingredients and this waste matter comes back to the blood.
  • When the waste matter in the blood comes to the lung, the lung sends it out through the nose in the air we breathe out. So, whenever we breathe, we inhale good air and exhale bad air. If four persons sleep in a room, at the rate of 8 litres per minute per person, these four persons convert all the air in that room into bad air in about half an hour. We sleep for about 8 hours every night. Good air will go into our body only for the first half an hour. Only the bad air sent out by our body will again and again go into our body for the remaining seven and a half hours.
  • In this way, when our body does not get the air energy and all the other nutrients from the air, all our body parts get diseases. If we sleep and breathe the bad air for seven and a half hours, how can we get good health? No one seems to think about this at all.
  • When we ask people about what they do for air, many of them say that they use a fan. The appliance called fan will only just circulate the air within the room and it will not convert bad air into good air. Therefore, not only in the bed room, in all places in your office, house, etc. there should be compulsorily a facility for good air to come inside and bad air to go out of every room.
  • Now we have understood that our body will get diseases if we close all the doors and windows and sleep in a room without any air ventilation. If diseases can come even when we just sleep in a closed room, we will get even bigger diseases if we use mosquito coils, mosquito mats, etc. in a closed room and sleep in that room.
  • The mosquito dies immediately due to the poison in the mosquito coil since it is a small insect. Man is also a living being and he is just of a bigger size compared to the mosquito. So, man will also succumb to the same poison in the mosquito coil and die. The only difference is that he will take a few years more to die compared to a mosquito.
  • Lighting a mosquito coil and inhaling its poisonous fumes is the same as eating the mosquito coil. Instead of using liquid mosquito repellent by connecting it to the electricity plug point, you can as well drink that liquid and then go to sleep. The effects of both are the same. The bad chemicals from the mosquito coil, mosquito repellent liquid or mat burn throughout the night, mix in the air that we breathe, enter into our lungs through our nose and mix in our blood. Therefore, please do not use any mosquito repellent in any form.
  • Mosquito coils, mosquito repellent liquids and mosquito mats are deadly poisons that can seriously affect our health. We should never use them. Thus, every day we spend our own money to buy mosquito coil and we give poison to ourselves. No doctor talks about this. The basic reason for all the diseases related to the lung such as chest congestion, asthma, TB, wheezing, nose block, cold, sneeze, cough, etc. is the fact that we live in rooms without air passage and we use mosquito coils and mosquito mats. There is a very deadly poison in the smoke coming out of mosquito coil. That is why the mosquitoes which inhale it die. The same poison goes inside our body when we breathe that smoke and it affects our body in a very big way.
  • Some people say that they sleep well only when they use the mosquito coil. In fact, the smoke coming out of the mosquito coil goes inside our body and makes us drowsy. All those who sleep in the smoke of mosquito coil never have a really healthy sleep. It is just a kind of drowsiness.
  • The mosquito coils sold nowadays do not affect the mosquitoes much. And when we are drowsy, they bite us and suck all our blood. We do not even realize that they are biting us. Thus, it appears that mosquito coils are good for mosquitoes! Anyhow, mosquito coils and mosquito mats are a poison to human beings.
  • Many doctors advise that we should not apply the smoke of Benzoin resin to children. Benzoin resin smoke does only good to our body. But why are the same doctors not campaigning against the use of mosquito coils?
  • All the patients suffering from lung-related diseases such as asthma, wheezing, chest congestion, etc. keep consuming medicine for more than 10 years. Did any of the doctors ask them whether the air in their house is all right? Unless and until the air in their house is set right, no one in this world will get any of their lung-related diseases cured. Therefore, please make arrangement for fresh air to come in and bad air to go out in all the places such as house, office, etc.
  • If we keep the window open, fresh air will come in and bad air will go out. But mosquitoes also will come in. Thieves also may come in and onlookers may peep in through the window. We are afraid of keeping the window open only because of these three reasons.
  • There is a very simple solution to this problem. You can close all the windows and doors in the bed room and sleep. But, make a circular shaped opening on one side of the wall at a distance of half foot or one foot from the ceiling level. Fix an exhaust fan in that hole to push the air out. On the opposite wall, directly facing the position of the exhaust fan, make a similar hole at an identical position and fix a mosquito net on that hole. Now, whatever amount of bad air goes out through the exhaust fan, the same amount of fresh, good air will come inside the room from the hole on the opposite side.
  • Good air will always remain in the lower part of the room and bad air will always tend to go towards the upper half of the room. This is because the bad air will have less density than the good air and it always tends to move upwards. So, we can breathe good air if we always sleep near the floor. In a room, the higher is the level at which we sleep, the more polluted will be the air we breathe. If we fix a fan in this way, there will be no necessity to keep the windows and doors open. Mosquitoes will not be able to enter and onlookers will not be able to peep inside.
  • It will cost us only a small amount to make this arrangement. And definitely this amount will be less than the expenditure that we have incurred for medicine and tablets for treating asthma, wheezing, chest cold, etc. for ten years.
  • For those who say, “We can keep the window open. But how to escape the mosquitoes?” there is an excellent suggestion. If we tie a mosquito net in the room and sleep inside it, though mosquitoes might come inside the room they will not be able to bite us. If we tuck the lower portion of the mosquito net slightly under the bed or mat, no mosquito will be able to enter inside the net throughout the night.
  • Another excellent arrangement that we can make is to fix mosquito nets over the window panels instead of hanging a mosquito net over the bed.
  • To sum up, there are just two things that we need to remember about air energy:
  • (1)Mosquito coils, mosquito mats, liquid mosquito repellents, etc. and any other such mosquito repellent chemicals should never be used.
  • (2)We have to make arrangement for fresh air entering and bad air exiting for all the 24 hours in our house, office, factory and all other places.
  • In old-fashioned houses, there used to be an opening called ventilation gap in all the rooms, for taking care of our health. They would fix an air vent of about 2 feet to one and a half feet on all the four walls. Those living in the houses having such ventilation holes never had any air-related diseases. This is because bad air always attempts to go up and mix with the air outside.
  • Our forefathers enforced such measures in the name of Vaasthu Saastraa. Vaasthu is nothing but a way of ensuring that all the Pancha boothas are all right in a house and set them right if needed. Because many people applied it wrongly, we have dumped it in the dust bin thinking that it is based on superstition. But now we march towards the hospitals with many diseases. Shortly, we are going to bring out a book on Vaasthu. It will explain all about Vaasthu in a very simple way so that all can understand it.
  • If we first set right the air in the place where we live and then do yoga and breathing exercises then we will get more benefit from these exercises.
  • There are many breathing exercises s u c h a s P r a n a y a m a m , B a s t h r i k a , Kapaalapathi, Nadi Suddhi, etc. for digesting the air as good air. But, there will not be much benefit in doing these exercises if the air in our house is not clean and fresh. So, if we want to derive maximum benefit from these exercises, then we should first of all clean the air in the place where we live.
  • Whenever we send out air from our nose by breathing out, pranic energy goes out from our body. So, those who do breathing exercises can do exercises such as Nadi Suddhi, Pranayamam, Kapaalapathi, etc. These exercises increase pranic energy in our body.
  • Basthrika exercises should be done only to a limited extent. Some people do Basthrika exercise for half an hour or one hour duration and spoil their health by unnecessarily taking in and taking out air at a fast pace. Readers can streamline their breathing exercise by reading the book on Yoga that we are going to bring out shortly.
  • In summary, as far as air energy is concerned, mosquito mats should be avoided and fresh air should be present for all the 24 hours in the place we live in. If we follow just these two guidelines, the intelligence of our body takes out the pranic energy and all the other nutrients from the air, mixes them in the blood and cures our diseases.

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