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  • If you tell that you have pain in your appendix, your appendix will be removed. Do you know what the function of the appendix is? Appendix in our body stores bacteria that are beneficial to the immune system of the body. Appendix keeps the right and left parts of our body balanced. It also helps the body in digesting hard food. But the world of medicine says that appendix is not needed by the body.
  • If someone says that a particular body part is not needed, then he means that God is a fool. Does God not know whether a body part is needed or not? If the doctor says that the appendix does not do any work, it only means that he does not know what it does and it does not mean that the body part does not do any work.
  • Removing the body parts which have diseases cannot be called as treatment. Treatment means curing the diseases. In Anatomic Therapy, we set right a few things, follow some simple guidelines, renew the body parts and avoid cutting off the body parts for any problem such as gall bladder stone, tumor in the uterus, Appendicitis, etc.
  • Therefore, we need to understand that we do not need a doctor to cut off a body part. Doctors are needed only to cure a body part.

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