
Statement and Argument ( 11 to 15 )

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Statement and Argument ( 11 to 15 ):


11. Statements

Should prestigious people be given special treatment for the crime they have committed unknowingly?


  1. Yes, the prestigious people do not commit crime intentionally.
  2. No, it is a rule that everybody is equal before the law.

A)    Only argument I is strong.

B)    Only argument II is strong.

C)    Either I or II is strong.

D)    Neither I nor II is strong.

E)    Both I and II are strong.

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Answer: option (B)


The constitution of India has laid down the belief of ‘equality before the law’. So, argument II holds the strong. Also, we cannot judge the intentions of a person behind committing the crime. So, argument I is vague.


12. Statements

Should internal exams be cancelled in school?


  1. Yes, this will help in reducing the favoritism.
  2. No, faculty will lose control over students.

A)    Only argument I is strong.

B)    Only argument II is strong.

C)    Either I or II is strong.

D)    Neither I nor II is strong.

E)    Both I and II are strong.

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Answer: option (A)


Cancelling the exams will surely reduce the favoritism on personal grounds because the teachers would not be involved in examination system so that they cannot extend personal benefits to anyone. So, argument I holds strong. But it will not affect the control of teaching faculty on students because still the teachers would be teaching them. So, argument II is vague.


13. Statement

Should all unauthorized buildings be demolished in city?


  1. No, where will people reside after the demolition.
  2. Yes, this will give a message to public and they will refrain from constructing unauthorized buildings.

A)    Only argument I is strong.

B)    Only argument II is strong.

C)    Either I or II is strong.

D)    Neither I nor II is strong.

E)    Both I and II are strong.

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Answer: option (B)


The demolition of unauthorized buildings would teach a lesson to the builders and also serve as a warning to the citizens not to indulge in such activities in the future. This is important, as unauthorized constructions impose undue burden on the city’s infrastructure. So, only argument II holds strong.


14. Statement

Is buying anything on installments will be profitable to the customer?


i.) Yes, he must pay less.
ii.) No, paying installments upsets the family budget.

A) Only argument I is strong

B) Only argument II is strong

C) Either I or II is strong

D) Neither I nor II is strong

E) Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (D)


Buying things on installments let the customer pay more as the interest is also included. So, argument I does not hold. And the person who buys an item on installments can maintain his future budget accordingly as he is familiar with when and how much he has to pay beforehand. So, argument II is also not valid.


15. Statement

Should we ban foreign films in India?

i. Yes, as they show western culture which affects our culture.
ii. No, foreign films have creative ideas.

A) Only argument I is strong.

B) Only argument II is strong.

C) Either I or II is strong.

D) Neither I nor II is strong.

E) Both I and II are strong.

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Answer: option (D)


Foreign films show the western culture but it is only for the entertainment purpose. So, argument I does not hold. Also, the second reason given in argument II is also not strong enough for denying the ban. So, it also does not hold.


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