
Percentages ( 16 to 20 )

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Percentages ( 16 to 20 ):


16. The population of a town increased from 1, 75,000 to 2, 62,500 in a decade. What is the average percent increase in population per year?

A)    4.37%

B)    5%

C)    6%

D)    8.75%

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Increase in 10 years = (262500 – 175000) = 87500
Increase% = (87500/175000*100)%= 50%
∴ Required average = (50/10)%=5%


17. After deducting a commission of 5%, a T.V set costs Rs.9595. Its market price is:

A)    Rs.10000

B)    Rs. 10075

C)    Rs.10100

D)    Rs.10500

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (C)


Let the market price be x
Then, x – 5% of x = 9595  95% of x = 9595  x = ((9595*100)/95)=10100


18. A student has to obtain 33% of the total marks to pass. He got 120 marks and failed by 45 marks. The maximum marks are:

A)    300

B)    500

C)    600

D)    700

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Let the maximum marks be x
Then, 33% of x = 120 + 45  (33/100)x= 165  x = ((165*100)/33)= 500


19. 1100 boys and 700 girls are examined in a test. 32% of the boys and 20% of the girls pass. The percentage of the total who failed is:

A)    58%

B)    72(12/18)%

C)    64%

D)    78%

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Total number of students = 1100 + 700 = 1800
Number of students passed = (32% of 1100 + 20% of 700) = 352 + 140 = 492
Number of failures = 1800 – 492 = 1308
∴Percentage failure = (1308/1800*100)%= 72(12/18)%


20. If 20% of a = b, then b% of 20 is the same as:

A)    4% of a

B)    5% of a

C)    20% of a

D)    10% of a

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (A)


20% of a = b => (20/100) a=b
∴b% of 20 = (b/100*20)= ((20/100) a*1/100*20)= (4/100) a=4% of a


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