
Measurements ( 11 to 15 )

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Measurements ( 11 to 15 ):


11. The area of a square is 1024 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the length of a rectangle whose length is twice the side of the square and breadth is 14 cm less than the side of the square.

A)    18:5

B)    7:16

C)    5:14

D)    5:32

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)

Explanation: (E)

Let the length and the breadth of the rectangle be l cm and b cm respectively. Let the side of the square be x cm.

x= 1024 = 210

x = (210) ½ = 25 = 32

L = 2x and b = x – 14

b:l = x – 14 : 2x = 18 : 64 = 9:32


12. The parameter of a square is equal to the perimeter of a rectangle of length 14 cm and breadth 12 cm. Find the circumference of a semi circle whose diameter is equal to the side of the square.

A)    77.14 cm

B)    47.14 cm

C)    84.92 cm

D)    20.42 cm

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (D)


Let the side of the square be x cm.

Parameter of the rectangle = 2(14 + 12) = 52 cm

Parameter of the square = 52 cm i.e. 4x = 52

x = 13

Diameter of the semicircle = 13cm

Circumference of the semicircle = ½ * 22/7 * 13 = 20.42 cm


13. A cube of side two meter length is cut into small cubes of side 10 cm each. How many such small cubes can be obtained?

A)    80

B)    800

C)    8000

D)    80000

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (C)


Along one edge, the number of small cubes that can be cut = 200/10 = 20

Along each edge 20 cubes can be cut. (Along length, breadth and height). Total number of small cubes that can be cut = 20 * 20 * 20 = 8000


14. The dimensions of a room are 24 feet * 14 feet * 12 feet. What is the cost of white washing the four walls of the room at Rs. 4 per sq feet if there is one door of dimensions 5 feet * 2 feet and three windows of dimensions 3 feet * 2 feet each?

A)    Rs.4800

B)    Rs.3536

C)    Rs.3500

D)    Rs.4500

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Area of the four walls = 2h(l+b)

Since, there are doors and windows, area of the walls = 2 * 12(14 + 24) – (5 * 2) – 3(3 * 2)= 884

Total cost = 884 * 4 = Rs.3536


15. The radius of a wheel is 21.7cm. What is the distance covered by the wheel in making 400 resolutions.

A)    545.60 m

B)    704.20 m

C)    352.40 m

D)    808.80 m

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (A)

Explanation: Answer is

In one resolution, the distance covered by the wheel is its own circumference. Distance covered in 400 resolutions.

= 400 * 2 * 22/7 * 21.7 = 54560 = 545.60 m


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