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• Rectangle

Area = lb

Perimeter = 2(l+b)

• Square

Area = a×a

Perimeter = 4a

• Parallelogram

Area = l × h

Perimeter = 2(l+b)

• Triangle

Area =b×h/2

• Right angle Triangle

Area =1/2(bh)

Perimeter = b+h+d

• Isosceles Right Angle Triangle

Area = 1/2. a2

Perimeter = 2a+d

• Trapezium

Area = 1/2h(a+b)

Perimeter = Sum of all sides

• Rhombus

Area = d1 × d2/2

Perimeter = 4l

• Quadrilateral

Area =1/2 × Diagonal × (Sum of offsets)

• Kite

Area = d1×d2/2

Perimeter = 2 × Sum on non-adjacent sides

Aptitude Questions (Measurements):

1. If the sides of a triangle are 16cm, 14cm and 10cm. What is its area?

A)    70cm2

B)    130cm2

C)    120cm2

D)    150cm2

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (A)


The triangle with sides 16 cm, 14 cm and 10cm is right angles, where the hypotenuse is 16cm.

Area of the triangle = ½ * 14 * 10 = 70 cm2


2. The perimeter of a triangle is 18 cm and the inradius of the triangle is 2 cm. What is the area of the triangle?

A)    25 cm2

B)    18 cm2

C)    20 cm2

D)    19 cm2

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Area of triangle = r * s

Where, r is the inradius and s is the semi perimeter of the triangle.

Area of triangle = 2 * 18/2 = 18 cm2


3. Find the area of trapezium whose parallel sides are 10 cm and 8 cm long and the distance between them is 5 cm.

A)    25 cm2

B)    75 cm2

C)    85 cm2

D)    45 cm2

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (D)


Area of trapezium = ½ (sum of parallel sides) * (perpendicular distance between them)

= ½ (10 + 8) * (5) = 45 cm2


4. Find the area of parallelogram with base 14 cm and height 6 cm.

A)    62 cm2

B)    84 cm2

C)    92 cm2

D)    31 cm2

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (B)


Area of parallelogram = base * height = 14 * 6 = 84 cm2


5. The ratio of the length and the breadth of a rectangle is 3:2 and the area of the rectangle is 2400 sq cm. Find the ratio of the breadth and the area of the rectangle.

A)    1:96

B)    1:48

C)    1:60

D)    1:68

E)    None of these

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Answer: option (C)


Let the length and breadth of the rectangle be 3x and 2x respectively.

(3x) (2x) = 2400

6x2 = 2400

x2 = 400 = 4 * 100 = 22 * 102 (x>0)

=> x = 2 * 10 = 20

=> Ratio of the breadth and the areas = 2x : 6x2 = 1:3x = 1:60


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