Example 6:
Inheritance is divided 5 types, They are
- Single or Simple Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritances
- Multi Level Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid Inheritance
1. Single or Simple Inheritance:
In this type of inheritance only one level of inheritance available, it means one base/parent class and one derive/child class

Below is the example for single or simple inheritance
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class Person: name = "" age = 0 def __init__(self, personName, personAge): self.name = personName self.age = personAge def display(self): print("Name is:",self.name) print("Age is:",self.age) class Student(Person): studentId = "" fees=0.0 def __init__(self, studentName, studentAge, studentId,fees): Person.__init__(self, studentName, studentAge) self.studentId = studentId self.fees = fees def getId(self): return self.studentId def getFee(self): return self.fees print("Person Details are") print("******************") person = Person("Ricky Ponting", 50) person.display() print("******************") print("Student Details are") print("******************") student = Student("Ganguly", 50, "129",50000) student.display() print("Student Id:",student.getId()) print("Student Fee:",student.getFee()) print("******************") |
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Person Details are ****************** Name is: Ricky Ponting Age is: 50 ****************** Student Details are ****************** Name is: Ganguly Age is: 50 Student Id: 129 Student Fee: 50000 ****************** |
2. Multiple Inheritance:
In this type of Inheritance one derive class created using more than on base class

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class g_Father(): surName=" " habbits=" " attitude=" " def __init__(self,surname,habbits,attitude): self.surName=surname self.habbits=habbits self.attitude=attitude class father(): fname=" " color=" " skill=" " def __init__(self,fname,color,skill): self.fname=fname self.color=color self.skill=skill class son(g_Father,father): name= " " kind=" " bold= " " def __init__(self,surname,habbits,attitude,fname,color,skill,kind,bold): g_Father.__init__(self,surname,habbits,attitude,) father.__init__(self,fname,color,skill) self.name=self.surName+self.fname self.kind=kind self.bold=bold def display(self): print("Son Name is:",self.name) print("Son Kind is:",self.kind) print("Son Bold is:",self.bold) print("Son Habbits are:",self.habbits) print("Son Attitude is:",self.attitude) print("Son Color is:",self.color) print("Son Skill is:",self.skill) s=son("Sandhinti","cricket,reading","good"," Raja Shaker","White","Talentade","Honest","False") s.display() |
Son Name is: Sandhinti Raja Shaker Son Kind is: Honest Son Bold is: False Son Habbits are: cricket,reading Son Attitude is: good Son Color is: White Son Skill is: Talentade |
3. Multilevel Inheritance:
In this type of Inheritance more than one derived class created by using one base class
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class Animal(): def __init__(self,eat,sleep): self.eat=eat self.sleep=sleep class Cat(Animal): def __init__(self,eat,sleep,bark,active): Animal.__init__(self,eat,sleep) self.bark=bark self.active=active class ChildCat(Cat): def __init__(self,eat,sleep,bark,active,attitude): Cat.__init__(self,eat,sleep,bark,active) self.attitude=attitude def display(self): print("ChildCat is eating:",self.eat) print("ChildCat is sleeping:",self.sleep) print("ChildCat is barking:",self.bark) print("ChildCat is Active:",self.active) print("ChildCat Attitude is:",self.attitude) bc=ChildCat("Very Fast","On Time","Very Loud",True,"Cunning") bc.display() |
ChildCat is eating: Very Fast ChildCat is sleeping: On Time ChildCat is barking: Very Loud ChildCat is Active: True ChildCat Attitude is: Cunning |

4. Hierachical Inheritance:
In this type of inheritance from one base class more than one derived class is derived.

5. Hybrid Inheritance:
Hybrid Inheritance is a combination of Multiple and Hierarchical Inheritance.

Overriding Methods:
Having same function name and function arguments in base class and as well as in derive class ,then we can call it as Overridden Methods.It is only possible in Inheritance.
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class Base(): def display(self): print("Base Class Display") class Derive(Base): def display(self): print("Derive Class Display") obj=Derive() obj.display() obj=Base() obj.display() |
Derive Class Display Base Class Display |
Example 7:
- Wrapping of data and method,method should work on that data is called Encapsulation,i.e capsules.
- By using Encapsulation we can achieve the data protections,it means nobody can access the data from the outside of the class,It will restrict to access the data and methods.
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class Bike: def __init__(self): self.__max_speed = 250 self.__name = "Yamaha-FZ-S" def drive(self): print ('driving maxspeed is dangerous ' + str(self.__max_speed)) bike= Bike() bike.drive() bike.__max_speed = 10 # If we try to change the value it will not Modify bike.drive() |
driving maxspeed is dangerous 250 driving maxspeed is dangerous 250 |
If we want change the data then we need to new method to set that data
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<strong>class Bike:</strong> def __init__(self): self.__max_speed = 250 self.__name = "Yamaha-FZ-S" def drive(self): print ('driving maxspeed is dangerous ' + str(self.__max_speed)) def setSpeed(self,speed): self.__max_speed = speed bike= Bike() bike.drive() bike.__max_speed = 10 # If we try to change the value it will not Modify bike.drive() bike.setSpeed(900) bike.drive() |
driving maxspeed is dangerous 250 driving maxspeed is dangerous 250 driving maxspeed is dangerous 900 |
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