
Python Tutorial




Python  History

Python is a general purpose , dynamic , high level and interpreted programming language. It supports structure oriented, Interactive and objected oriented programming language. It is very simple and easy…more…

Python  Installation  on linux

In this article, we are going to learn how to install python 2.7.15 and Python 3.7.0. Before going to start Python installation, please don’t forget to run below commands. Download python from official website by using wget command…more…

Python Comments

SINGLE LINE COMMENTS: This type of comments start with ‘#’ Symbol, MULTIPLE LINE COMMENTSMultiple line comments start with triple quote and end with triple quote…more…

Python Datatypes

Before going to discuss data types in python programming language, we need to know about few points. In python programming language, we are not going to use any built in data types to declare a variable like  in C, C++. In python, mostly we can use…more…

Python Operators

Operators are very familiar with basic mathematics. Operator is nothing but performing the specific operation between operands. It is called the operator. Operators can be classified based on the operations that they perform or based…more…

Python Keywords

Python Keywords are reserved words. Every keyword has unique identity. We should not use keywords as a variable and function names…more…

Python Identifiers

Identifier is nothing but distinguish the variables, object, class, functions, etc. It helps differentiating one from another. Identifiers can be combination of letters like lower (a-z), upper letters (A-Z),digits ( 0-9) and special character ‘_’…more…

Python Variables

Variable is nothing but container, it holds some data and one data at a time. Single variable hold Single data. Most variables have unique names. To write the variable names, we can use lowercase (a-z), uppercase (A-Z),numbers(0-9) and…more…

Python control statements or control flow

Sequential Statements, Decision Making Statements (1.  If Statements 2. If Else Statements 3. If Elif Statements). Sequential statements are nothing but ,the execution process will happen sequence manner so it called as sequential statements…more…

Python Input and Output (I/O)

Output is nothing but display the data on the monitor or any output device then we can call it as output. Input is nothing but read the data from the keyboard or any input devices then we can call it as input.Python 2.x version is not supported in python 3.x

  1. Python version2 (V2)
  2. Python version3 (V3)

Python Iteration Statements

Before going to discuss about loops, we need to learn range() function concept. range function is used to iterate the elements in sequence manner. range function is used in for loops. range function makes programmer to index free while iterating…more…

Python Jump Statements

JUMP STATEMENTS ARE DIVIDED INTO 3 TYPES.They are 1.break 2.continue 3.pass.BREAK STATEMENT:break statement is used to exit from the iterative statements (loops) i.e. for ,while. Use case of this statement is terminate…more…

Python Data types:

Python  Numbers

Python supports multiple data types like integer, floating , boolean and complex data type.But when we are going to use the number data types it is not required to explicit declare the variable with data type.By default interpreter will…more…

Python List

Python list a data structure ,it is combination of homogeneous or heterogeneous data types.Python list is similar like arrays in C/C++ Programming language.To access the elements in list we can use index, which start from 0 and stop with n-1…more…

Python Dictionary

In this tutorial we can learn about python dictionary, it is one of the most important concept in python programming language, Dictionaries are mutable values,it means we can add, delete,update the values according to our requirement…more…

Python Tuples

Python tuple is a immutable object, it is combination of homogeneous or heterogeneous data types, To access the elements in tuple we can use index, which start from 0 and stop with n-1, In tuple elements are stored in sequence manner…more…

Python Strings

String is nothing but collection of sequence of character,whichever enclosed in single quotes(‘ ‘), double quotes (“ “) and triple quotes (”’ ”’), Python strings are immutable, String can be a cobination of numbers and alphabates, String can be a empty also ,that has 0…more…

Python Functions

Function is nothing but collection of statements to perform a specific task, By using functions we divided large programs as multiple modules,It is help to debug the code easily,Modification of code became very easy…more…

Python Exception Handling

Exception Handling is the mechanism it is allows to handle errors very smartly while the program is running. Runtime erros is nothing but it happens while running the program,if it is runtime error…more…

Python Module

Module is nothing but categorised larger parts as a smaller parts.In Python Module is nothing but Python File,Where Functions,Variables,objects and classes are defined…more…

Python Files

Till now we are used variables to store the data,but the data which ever stored in variables it will not available once the application end.To achieve this we are going to use the file concept…more…

Python Object & Class

Object is nothing but collection of data members and method in single unit called object.Object is a physical entity.An object might be anything like person,vehicle,things etc.To Confirm an entity is an object we can cosider three components…more…

Python Inheritance

Inheritance is divided 5 types, They are 1.Single or Simple Inheritance, 2.Multiple Inheritances, 3.Multi Level Inheritance, 4.ierarchical Inheritance, 5. Hybrid Inheritance…more…

Predefined Functions:

Python Library Functions

Function is nothing but collection of statements to perform a specific taskBy using functions we divided large programs as multiple modulesIt is help to debug the code easilyModification of code became very easy

User defined Functions:

There  are types of defined functions 1. User defined function without arguments 2. User defined function with arguments

Python Basic Functions

Function is nothing but collection of statements to perform a specific task, By using functions we divided large programs as multiple modules, It is help to debug the code easily

Python Function Arguments

Header is start with ‘def’ keyword and followed by nae of the fucntion,arguments and finally haveing the ‘:’ to tell the compiler function defination has been completed, def is a reserved keyword

Python Importing Modules

Module is nothing but categorised larger parts as a smaller parts.In Python Module is nothing but Python File,Where Functions,Variables,objects and classes are defined,By using this we can use the existing things instead of  writing new.

Python Recursive Functions

def is a reserved keyword,funcion name should be a any valid identifier,here argument is optional,it is depend on the function implementation.Here docstring also optional

Python Importing Module & Packages

By using the module concept we can reuse the modules directly in new applications, Same type of attributes we can place in one module


1.Object is nothing but collection of data members and method in single unit called object.Object is a physical entity.An object might be anything like person,vehicle,things etc. 2.Class in nothing but collection of objects and also we can say class is blueprint where behaviour and attributes defined.


1.Object is nothing but collection of data members and method in single unit called object.Object is a physical entity.An object might be anything like person,vehicle,things etc. 2.Class in nothing but collection of objects and also we can say class is blueprint where behaviour and attributes defined.

Python What is OOPS?

Object is nothing but collection of data members and method in single unit called object.Object is a physical entity.An object might be anything like person,vehicle,things etc.Class in nothing but collection of objects and also we can say class is blueprint where behaviour and attributes defined.

Python Basic Features  Of OOPs

There are 6 types of basic features, 1. Object,2. Class,3. Encapsulation,4. Abstraction,5. Polymorphism,6. Inheritance

Python Types OOPS?

There are 6 types of oops, 1. Object,2. Class,3. Encapsulation,4. Abstraction,5. Polymorphism,6. Inheritance

Python What is Class

Class in nothing but collection of objects and also we can say class is blueprint where behaviour and attributes defined.Considered Animal is class and Dog, Monkey,Donkey, Cat etc all are the object for the class Animal.

Python Types of Inheritance

Inheritance is divided 5 types, They are 1.Single or Simple Inheritance, 2.Multiple Inheritances, 3.Multi Level Inheritance, 4.Hierarchical Inheritance. 5.Hybrid Inheritance…more…

Python Polymorphism

Single interface with multiple implememtation we can called polymorphism.We can achieve the poly morphism in two ways they are.

1. Function Oveloading
2. Operator Overloading

Python Constructors

constructos are the special memmber function it will get invoke automatically at the time of creation of an object,it will intialize the data members of that object.

Python Destructors

Destructos are the special memmber function it will get invoke automatically at the time of creation of destroying the object,it will un-intialize the data members of that object

Advanced Concepts

Here we are going to discuss about advance topics in python.They are 1.Iterators, 2.Generators, 3.Decorators, 4.@Property…more…

Python Iterators

Iteration is a simple an object,it can be iterated upto given limit.It can allow the user to access or traverse through the all items which are collected without any prior knowldge

Python Genertor

Before we are going to discuss about the Generator ,here we need to discuss about the “yield” keyword

  • Decorators

Python @Property

 In this tutorial we are going to discuss about setter, getter and delete with respect to @property,what use of @property over normal methods,what the solution we can get by using @property.


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