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  • Heart is the organ in our body which pumps up the blood circulation. Irrespective of whether we think about it or not, whether we remember or not, the heart keeps on doing its work. Similar to the blood circulation system, there is one more system called Lymphatic system in our body. Nobody talks about this and nobody bothers about this system.
  • The blood circulation system is the one which takes the food to all the parts in our body. At the same time, the lymphatic system is the one which takes the medicines to cure diseases to all the parts in our body. Just like the blood circulation, this lymph also should be always flowing in our body. But, there is no organ like heart to pump up the lymph circulation in our body. Only those who have physical activity in their body will have this lymph circulation going on in their body. If there is no physical activity, lymph circulation will slow down.
  • There is one device called Automatic Watch. This watch does not have a battery. It does not run on sun light also. But it runs only when we wear it on our wrist. If we remove it from our wrist and keep it on the table, it will stop running. Nowadays this type of watch is not available in the market. But, some time back a lot of people used to wear these watches. This automatic watch keeps running as long as it keeps moving and there is some vibration to it. Once it is kept motionless in a place, it will stop running due to lack of kinetic energy.
  • If we understand this watch, we can understand clearly about the lymph circulation. For all the people who have some physical movements, that is, for all those who give work to their body, lymph circulation will be going on. For those who do not give work to their body and are sluggish and lazy, this lymph circulation will not be proper. This is the reason for the occurrence of many diseases. Moreover, diseases which occur do not get cured.
  • This is why we observe that our diseases get cured when we go for walking, do physical exercises, do yoga asanas, etc. Therefore, every person should always be giving some movement, vibration or work to all the muscles and joints in his body every day. Only then the lymph will run properly and cure all the diseases in the body. This is why those who do physical work do not get many diseases and those who do not do much physical work get more diseases.
  • Many people come to me and say, “I have a disease for several years. But it is not getting cured even though I have taken many treatments for it.” The first question I ask them is, “Do you do any yoga exercise?” many of them reply, “I do not practise Yoga. I do not have time for all that.”
  • I tell them, “I am healthy. I do not have any disease. But I am doing some exercise or other every day. When I am healthy and still I am doing some exercise for one or two hours every day, why can’t you do yoga exercises when you have a disease already?”
  • Yoga is taught in every town, in every locality nowadays. We can easily learn Yoga and get benefit. If we devote at least half an hour every day for our body and do some exercises, lymph circulation will run properly in our body and we can cure the diseases by ourselves.
  • Many people have a fear about yoga. They think, “We have to fold and stretch our hands and legs. We have to bend and straighten our back. Can we do all this?” This doubt is present in the minds of many people. Please understand that yoga is not just about folding and stretching our hands and legs. Yoga is an art which integrates and unifies our body, mind, breath, brain and our life.
  • Yoga Asana which consists of folding and stretching our hands and legs is just one part of Yoga. Asanas alone do not constitute Yoga. Yoga consists of totally eight parts. These are:

(1) Iyamam
(2) Niyamam
(3) A s a n a m
( 4 ) P r a n a y a m a m
( 5 ) Prathyaakaaram
(6) Dhaaranai
(7) Dhyaanam
(8) Samaadhi.

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