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  • Generally, we keep our legs hanging down most of the time when we are seated. If we think of the occasions such as travelling in a two wheeler, travelling in a bus or train, in cinema theatre, in schools, colleges, offices, houses, sitting in a sofa, cot, chair, etc. we will realize that we keep our legs hanging down for most of the time.
  • Many diseases are created because we sit with our legs hanging down. The reason for this is that, when we sit with our legs hanging down, our blood circulation will be more below our waist and the upper part of our body will not get sufficient blood circulation. When we sit in a squatting posture with our legs folded, the blood circulation will be more in the upper part of our body and less in the lower part of our body.
  • More blood circulation to the lower part of our body is required only when we walk. Many of the most important parts of our body such as heart, kidney, pancreas, lungs, brain, eyes, ears, etc. are all situated above our waist. So, if a person sits in a squatting position he will get more energy and better health. Therefore, from now onwards, please avoid sitting with your legs hanging down as far as possible.
  • At least when we eat, we should sit only with our legs folded. If we sit with our legs hanging down when we eat, blood circulation will be more in our legs than in our stomach. As a result, digestion is delayed. If we sit with our legs folded crisscross in Sukhasana posture of Yoga when we eat, the food gets digested even as we keep eating. This is because the digestion is done well when the blood circulation and associated energy goes fully to the stomach portion instead of going to the portion below the waist.
  • But nowadays many people are not capable of sitting with their legs folded. This is due to the fact that we do not get any opportunity at all to sit with our legs folded.
  • Those who use the “Squat toilet” used traditionally in India and some other countries do not get any joint-related pains. On the other hand, those who use the modern Western type toilet which is used in a sitting position, get joint pain, knee pain and all other related diseases. It is because these people never sit with their legs folded even once in their life. Initially this problem was faced only by the elderly people. But nowadays even children use only Western toilets and they struggle to sit in a squatting posture on the floor.
  • If you cannot even sit on the floor with your legs folded, then you can imagine to what extent you have spoiled your body. Therefore please avoid using Western toilet. Use squat toilet instead. If you do so, at least twice or thrice daily you will be doing a simple Yogasana.
  • So, as far as possible, avoid sitting with your legs hanging down. Always sit in a squatting posture whenever you sit on a cot or sofa. If you spread a cloth or a mat on the floor, squat on it and eat food, then the food will be digested well. In case this is not possible in your house, then you can use a dining table and chair. But please sit on the chair with your legs folded and not hanging them down.
  • Many people nowadays get joint pain, wear-out of joint, etc. and the basic reason for this is their sitting posture with their legs hanging down. So, from today, if you practice eating with your legs folded, your digestion will be done well and your body will get more energy. You will not get joint pain and leg pain.

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