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  • If we do something to stop sneezing when it comes, we will not get sneezing for several hours. But, during these hours, many particles from the air would have gone into our lung and increased to four thousand particles.
  • After the smell of the ointment is exhausted, the sneezing gland will come back and see. It will find that there are now four thousand particles. It will say, “When there were only forty particles, I could have sent them out with four sneezes. Now there are four thousand particles. I am incapable of doing anything now.” And it will run away from the job.
  • Now, the doctor in our body will call another gland called Runny Nose, which is more powerful than the sneezing gland, to give the treatment. Sneezing is like sweeping our house with a broom. Runny nose is like cleaning our house using water. Now, our nose will send out the particles in our lung by using water to clear them out. But, what do we do when we get a runny nose? We inhale it back into our nose again and again! Thus we attempt to retain the unwanted particles inside our body.
  • Therefore, runny nose is not at all a disease. It is a treatment by which our body cures a disease. Whenever we inhale the water coming out of our nose back into the nose, it is a treachery that we do to our body. Therefore, whenever we have a runny nose, we have to blow out and get the water out of our nose. If we do this, our body will be healthy and we will not get any other diseases.

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