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  • We should not drink water sold in the so-called mineral water bottles. There is a machine called Anti Scale Dosing Machine in mineral water manufacturing factories. This machine removes all minerals from the water and makes it stale water.
  • In this way, good water is converted into stale, useless water by many processing activities and it is packaged in bottles and sold. We spend money to buy it and drink it. Therefore, please do not use the packaged drinking water called Mineral water which is devoid of any minerals.
  • Even though filtered water and mineral water will not have any nutrients essential for the body, they will have some Life Energy. However, boiled water will not have any Life Energy. Therefore, filtered water and m i n e ra l wa te r a re a c c e p t a b l e fo r consumption to some extent but boiled water is unacceptable at any cost.

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