
Calling C from R programming

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    • R is a programming language which provides statistical and graphical techniques for data analysis.
    • C functions can be called from R programming which is described in detail below.

Table of contents:

    1. What is R?
    2. Purpose of calling C from R programming language
    3. Methods of calling C functions from R
    4. Creating, Compiling and Dynamic Loading
    5. Example program for Calling C from R using .C

1. What is R?

    • R is a programming language which provides statistical, graphical techniques for data analysis.
    • R is an interactive, open source and object oriented programming language designed for statisticians.
    • R is used to perform data analysis by using scripts and functions which is available in R programming language.
    • Complete data analysis could be done  in few lines of code using R programming.

2. Purpose of calling C from R programming language:

    • R programming language is slow in iterative algorithm. Iterating very large data sets leads to poor performance in R.
    • To improve the performance of R, C functions are called to make use of high performance of C.

3. Methods of calling C functions from R:

    • The link/interface between C compiled code and R language is made by below 3 functions.
    • These functions are used to call a C function from R. They are,
        1. .C
        2. .Call
        3. .External

4. Creating, Compiling and Dynamic Loading:

    • Create a C function with below pre-requisite.
    • Prerequisite:

a)      Data type of the function should be void.
b)      Compiled code should not return any value except its arguments.

    • Below is the command to compile C code from command prompt. Once function is written in C, use below command to compile.

R CMD SHLIB -lgsl –lgslcblas test.c

    • After compiling, we get the compiled code file name as test.so
    • Then, this compiled code should be loaded in running R session using the  command dyn.load(“test.so”)
    • Once above dynamic load is done, all the functions written in C file will be available for R to call.

5. Example program using .C

    • Please consider below file “hello.c” in which a C function “hello” is written.
    • Please note that we should not use main function as we are not going to write C program. We are calling a C function from R.

File name:       hello.c

    • Below file “hello.R” is the R file from where C function “hello1” is called.

File name:       hello.R

    • Now, compile “hello.c” file using below command.

R CMD SHLIB -lgsl –lgslcblas test.c

    • After compiling hello.c file using above command, hello.so file is created which is loaded in running R session using the below command dyn.load(“hello.so”)
    • Now, we launch R application and type the below as mentioned in above steps.

In R:

> source(hello.R”)
> dyn.load(hello.so”)
> hello2(4)
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
Hello, world!
[[1]] [1] 4

Pictorial representation for calling C from R programming:

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