Many useful C programs are given in this section.
- C program for prime number
- C program for factorial
- C program for fibonacci series
- C program for palindrome
- C program for swapping 2 numbers with and without temp variables
- C program to find leap year
- C program to find armstrong number
- C program to find simple and compound interest
- C program to find largest of given 3 numbers
- C program to find smallest of given 3 numbers
- C program to convert lower case into upper case and vice versa
- C program to find sum and average of given 3 numbers
- C program to sum up all individual digits
- C program to reverse given number
- C program to reverse given string
- C program to find strong number
- C program to find square and cube of given number
- C program to print hello world without using semi colon
- C program to sort given names in alphabetical order
- C program to copy content of one file to another
- C program to sort given numbers in ascending order
- C program to sort given numbers in descending order
- C program to search given number in an array
- C program for recursive function
- C program for calculator application
- C program for bank application
- C program to check given number is perfect number or not
- C program to find array size
- C program to find whether given character vowel or not
- C program to check whether given number is positive or negative
- C program to find sum of n numbers
- C program to compare 2 numbers without if statement
- C program to generate random numbers
- C program to compare 2 arrays whether they are equal or not
- C program to print number from 1 to 500 without using any loop conditions
- C program to insert an element into an array
- C program to delete an element from an array
- C program to find hcf (gcd) and lcm
- C program to print diamond pattern
- C program to print pascal triangle
- C program to add two complex numbers
- C program for matrix addition
- C program for matrix multiplication
- C program for bubble sort
- C program for insertion sort
- C program for selection sort