
Statement and Argument

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Statement and Argument:

Aptitude Questions (Statement and Argument):

1. Statement

Should India encourage export?


i.)    Yes, to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports.

ii.)    No, selective encouragement will lead to shortages.

A)    Only argument I is strong

B)    Only argument II is strong

C)    Either I or II is strong

D)    Neither I nor II is strong

E)    Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (A)


They should fulfill their own needs first and then they can export the leftovers to pay for its imports. The export cannot lead to deficit as it shall provide the resources for imports. So, only

argument I holds.


2. Statement

Should there be labor union in offices?


i.)    No, this will create a political atmosphere in the office.

ii.)    Yes, it is very necessary as it will support the labors.

A)    Only argument I is strong

B)    Only argument II is strong

C)    Either I or II is strong

D)    Neither I nor II is strong

E)    Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (E)


The labors union formation shall be a step towards giving to labor the support. However, it shall create the same political atmosphere in the office. Thus, both the arguments hold strong.


3. Statement

Should India give Kashmir to Pakistan?


i.)    No, Kashmir is a beautiful state and it will earn lot of foreign exchange for India.

ii.)    Yes, this will help to settle conflicts.

A)    Only argument I is strong

B)    Only argument II is strong

C)    Either I or II is strong

D)    Neither I nor II is strong

E)    Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (A)


As Kashmir is a major foreign exchange earner to India so it cannot part with this state. So, argument I holds strong. And further, giving away the state without any reason is no solution to settle conflicts. So, argument II is vague.


4. Statement

Should industries be encouraged in rural areas?


i.)    Yes, because rural people are creative.

ii.)    Yes, this would help to solve the problem of unemployment.

A)    Only argument I is strong

B)    Only argument II is strong

C)    Either I or II is strong

D)    Neither I nor II is strong

E)    Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (B)


It is necessary to encourage Industries in rural areas so that they can create opportunities because rural people are indefinite creative. So, only argument II holds.


5. Statement

Should the woman entrepreneurs be encouraged?


i.)    Yes, this will help in industrial development of the country.

ii.)    Yes, they will help in reducing the burden of employment from market.

A)    Only argument I is strong

B)    Only argument II is strong

C)    Either I or II is strong

D)    Neither I nor II is strong

E)    Both I and II are strong

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Answer: option (E)


Encouraging the woman entrepreneurs will open the field for the establishment of new industries. Thus, it shall help in industrial development and not only employ the entrepreneurs but also

empower the woman of this country. So, both the arguments hold strong.

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