
Logical Problems

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Logical Problems:

Aptitude Questions (Logical Problems):

Directions to solve:

1. Shreya is older than Riya.

Sita is older than Shreya.

Riya is older than Sita. If given first two statements are true, then the third statement is

A)    True

B)    False

C)    Uncertain

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Answer: option (B)


The first two statements are true, Riya is the youngest of the three, so the third statement must be false.


2. Banana cost more than mango.

Banana cost less than strawberry.

Strawberry cost more than mango and banana.

If given first two statements are true, then the third statement is

A)    True

B)    False

C)    Uncertain

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Answer: option (A)


The first two statements are true, Strawberry is the most expensive of the three.


3. Shyam runs faster than Ram.

Rohit runs faster than Shyam.

Ram runs faster than Rohit.

If the given two statements are true, the third statement is

A)    True

B)    False

C)    Uncertain

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Answer: option (B)


From the two statements we get to know that Rohit runs fastest. Therefore, the third statement

must be false.


4. All the roses in garden are red.

All the lilies in garden are yellow.

All the flowers in garden are either red or yellow.

If the given two statements are true, the third statement is

A)    True

B)    False

C)   Uncertain

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Answer: option (C)


The first two statements gives the information about roses and lilies in garden but there is no

information about any other kind of flower which cannot be determined.


5. In last year, Harry travelled more cities than Chris.

Chris travelled fewer cities than Harman.

Harman travelled more cities than Harry.

If the given two statements are true, the third statement is

A)    True

B)    False

C)    Uncertain

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Answer: option (C)


The first two statements are true as both Harry and Harman travelled more cities than Chris. But, it is uncertain as to whether Harman travelled more cities than Harry.

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